This is a two year Devotive Path for those who are ready to be initiated into the Work of The Priestess. This is a deep Alchemical and Teaching path for those who are Torch Barers for this work.
The Path of The Devotee is a deep dive into Sexual Alchemy, Erotic Practises, Priestess & Medicine Work for those who want to become Masters of their Craft, understand the Science and Ancient Traditions behind these practises, tap into the depths of their Wisdom and Magic to be Facilitators and Transmissions of this work.
This is a Path for those who are ready to be shaped and carved by the Alchemy of Erotic Work. It is a path of Death and Rebirth with the understanding of what it means to be a conduit of God.
This is a Path of radical self transformation, whilst becoming Masters to Guide others along the Path. To become of Service and to behold the Embodiment of the Codes you are Transmitting.
This is a high level, high Devotion Path. A commitment of getting on your knees for your Path.
*Please note, this is not a Path for beginners. This is a teaching level programme. This is for those who have already begun the Path of Eros Work (pre requisits are WOMAN/ a 7 day in person event with Melody/ extensive practise and study of The Feminine Arts outside of Melody's space).

This first year is the foundations of learning to translate Practise into Teaching. The first year is understanding Eros from an Energetic Perspective. Learning the science of Nervous System Teachings. Embodying & Translating Archetypal Medicine. Learning your particular Frequency. Sexual Alchemy work. Integration of Light & Dark/ Source & Matter. Initation on The Path of The Priestess. What it means to carry what you hold. Introducing Magic. Translating your Wisdom.
You will be required to have a regular personal practise (minimum 5 days a week), you will be given access to CULTIVATE to support you along your journey and other pre recorded content in support of your undestanding, deepening and knowledge.
The Art of Space holding. Prayer. Becoming a Facilitator & your gifts in Facilitation. Transmitting YOUR Essence. Working with Energy. Setting up space. Feminine Leadership. Full Embodied Expression. Business support. Reorientation to Service.
We will be focusing on you and your translation of what you want to bring out into the world.
You will receive a certificate to confirm that you have been trained as an initiate to Teach this Work.
Group calls every two weeks (all calls recorded)
A online portal for you to share - you will be required to have an honest and regular self inquiry and self revealing practise.
Access to Cultivate - you will be required to have a dedicated and devoted self practise.
2 x in person experiences, one at the end of year one and another at the end of year two totalling 14 days in person (2 x 7 days/ 1 x 4 + 1 x 10 day experience/ approx) *flights are not included. (Please note these experiences would be priced anywhere between £2,500-4,000 alone)
I am only taking 6- 10 Women and I am taking, only, those who are 100% committed and ready to Devote deeper to this path.
£9,999 GBP per year (long term payment plans available). Total of £19,998 for the two years, there is a discount of £1,111 if you pay in full for the two years.
We begin in June 2024.
417£Every monthValid for 24 months